Function that returns the average of all the array elements except for the...
/* (Version 1) The array version of the function */ float average(int m[]){ int total=0,i; float avg; for(i=0;m[i];i++) total+=m[i]; avg=(float)(total)/i; return avg; } /* (Version 2) The pointer...
View ArticlePrint each element of the array together with their memory addresses
#include <stdio.h> const int MAX = 6; const int LEN = 10; int main() { int i,j; /*Define and Initialize the 2-D array*/ char language[MAX][LEN]={ "FORTRAN", "BASIC", "COBOL", "Pascal", "C",...
View ArticleUse pointers to display the strings pointed by the array elements of an array...
/*Program using pointers to display the strings pointed by the array el- ements of an array of pointers*/ #include <stdio.h> int main() { /*Define and Initialize the 2-D array*/ char...
View ArticleDisplay the first characters of the strings pointed by the array elements of...
#include <stdio.h> int main() { /*Define and Initialize the 2-D array*/ char *direction[]={ "North", "East", "West", "South", }; int i; const int SIZE = (int)...
View ArticleA program using pointers to functions in C
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int x,y,operation; double result, operate(double (*)(),int,int); double add(), subtract(), multiply(), divide(); printf("Enter two integers : "); scanf("%d...
View ArticleProgram that prints the first characters of all the arguments except for the...
#include <stdio.h> void flush_array(int,char *[]); void flush_1st_char(int,char *[]); int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { flush_array(argc,argv); printf("n=======> ");...
View ArticleCheck the validity of a date supplied from the command line in C
#include <stdio.h> void convert(char **,int*,int*,int*); int valid(int,int,int); int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int d,m,y char *progname=argv[0]; if(--argc>0) {...
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